Business Process Automation

Let's Automate Daily Tasks

Lasso uses our automation to facilitate daily tasks. In this example, Lasso will build your business an on-line new employee form that is easy, accurate, and produces fast results.

Process Automation

New User Setups

Our Lasso forms allow you to enter a few key details, and the process builds the user instantly and correctly

License Management

Lasso keeps an eye on your cloud based licenses, and make certain money isn't being wasted.

Personal Computer Acquisition

We'll order them, they'll come preconfigured, and ready to be used

Access Support In Teams

You staff can stay in their Teams work environment to access our support team

Single Sign On

Let's create a single application sign on page for all your Cloud based applications

User Training in Teams

All employees can participate in training modules, of any nature, via their Teams app

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